website anniversary party

thats right….the official 3rd year anniversary of the website…

figured id dig through some garbage and put up some neglected jams to celebrate!

up first is a set from this summer by instant coffee-a 3 piece with MC shchmidt from matmos, jason willet from half japanese and lisle ellis.  i recorded their set at bela dubby in june. this is one of those sets that i am so glad that i recorded because you know yll prolly never see this band again.

  hey, mr. schmidt if yr still out there-you still have to send me yr cd man..

and up next is an old set i recorded from john wiese at the old tower in cleveland from 2005 when he was on tour w/ emil beaulieau.  i uploaded rons set a while back so i guess its about time that these sets are reunited on the ‘interwebb’

enjoy…and heres to 3 more!…thanks to everyone that checks out this website-because, lets face it..WITHOUT YOU THIS SITE WOULD JUST BE A REALITY TV SHOW

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