so honestly, i have no reason why i have this country pop song about george bush on my computer(ok and eyepod). its pretty awful. but its in the good way. i played it on the radio once. im such a dick.
anyways, so i finally decided to look him up on the old internet and check out what he looks like…way better than i would have imagined…..
haha a little more looking and i found out where i downloaded this from…..pimpdaddysupreme‘s illegal art webpage that he curated way back in november of 2003. luckily all of the songs are still downloadable…you can download vince hatfield’s george bush for our USA song here but i would only recommend that if you have a lot of time on yr hands
while yr at it, you can download a track pimpdaddysupreme made as a little boy singing on a casio here:
also just uploaded the recycled rainbow 7 timelapse video collage thingie Law Abiding Citizen ipod by Stallio!
and the Nagoya Math Journal Recycled Rainbow 7 set as well….almost done uploading all these RR sets……and last, but not least-the workshoppe radio phonik RR7 set-these guys are/were from tennessee and used to do a radio show down there not unlike over the edge or press the button. i havent heard much of them in quite some time and i believe their website is down…anyways they talk about aluminum during their set…no, there website is here. it just hasnt been updated since 2004???????????
oh yeah and apparently when you mention the apple product that i mentioned before-it forces apple to leave lame comments on yr blog????? whats up w/ that ?!??!?!
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