heres an old FMOTL show from 2004 i taped off the radio. we still miss you beatrix…
and heres an FMOTL from november 2003…
an old episode of “not what you think” from 2004. haha, he actually plays some thursday club in this one. sheer randomness that i picked that disc….
some old jesus kills track: “good question”
heres a wav file of the track i helped lisa cultjam do a year or two ago for the “all the kings horses” art show, where people are given an audio piece to interpret into a piece of art. turned out pretty cool. heck, she still has it as her voicemail message, right?
shes like “i was thinking we could make the birds pitch bent to sound like dinosaurs”
im like “i can totally do that”
oh and this song is also made famous in the psa i made that i had lisa read. now shes a famous dj…………
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