i unearthed the “lost†thursday club, part 67 from november of 2004. it is piano and electric guitar…i did a slight edit today + here it is for yr enjoyment:
also here we got a couple O’ other dusty relics. this next one is from around spring of 2004. i finally got around to splitting down these jams from when shawn flowers brought his shiny drum set to brians old house and we did some loud living room jam action. you can tell that i was (and still am) not a very good guitar player
so , heres a couple of these little ditty’s:
got some new files from the extra bonus acts of the first ever embassy show:
between the two sets it totals 6 minutes!!!!!
john from emeralds/lilypads set:
pedalphile set- “i dont worship satan, but my keyboard does, part 1″
jams with ben from tusco terror on the radio show:
these are SWEET! that dude rules
and last but not least the thursday club jam from when we played down at diamond shiners@ that demons/mark morgan/tusco/skingraft show that ruled
hidden tracks from part 68…this is some of my favorite stuff…and the smallest of all these files
“sick and tired of being sick and tired”
-from a casette brian found on the ground at CSU
“awesome song” from our still unfinished “album” of “produced music”:
i think this one is from like oct or nov of 04…its the soundcheck to the rest of a set i will upload. im pretty sure this was released onto a cd…but i dont remember which one…
jesuskills@tower2012 for b-mask b-day jamboree:
heres the bipolar junction transistors, the band from summer of 2003 that i played photocell theremin and skratched records in in my buddies basement:
oh and its called “born again” and i cut up pat robertson 700 club records
heres the end of part 20 from 2003 or something. its on our new floppy, “something old, something new”
ill put up the rest of it soon, this is the noisiest minimal feedback ending, but the rest of it is some seriously FUCKED sounding stuff
thursday club: part 41. from way back when or something i dont know i dont have the info infront of me . this was that all the kings horses show where someone got to interpret the music visulaly…i think this was the piece that stephe dk fro new loud reeds did. it involved chiken wire, wood and melted wax:
(ps, this is a huge file)
live from cleveland, on WRUW…part 83…recorded november of 2005, i believe..:
and last but not least…something i already posted here w/..one of the newer recordings weve done…part 90 the super noise square wave drum machine shit