heres some old press the button episodes from 2004
the descriptions are from the press the button website.
press the button
Episode 361: Diesel is Cheaper (05/23/2004)
(every man / Glacial 23 / J. Kyle Moyer / Leia Alligator / Ryan)
Sixteen dogs under a truck
press the button episode 362 part 1
part 2
part 3
Episode 362: Dinner for 16 (05/30/2004) (every man / Glacial 23 / Kyle and Dave from Ethereal Transmission / Leia Alligator / Ryan & Bryan from Thursday Club / stAllio! / Jack from 9 Volt Haunted House / Widget / Recycled Crayon / hetmana / holly / Kristi / Varian Shepherd / Mittelschmerz)
This was the post-RR8
after-party. We’re not entirely sure how to musically describe this but
we’ll try. With 16 performers on hand, we decided it would be best to
break them up into groups of three and have them perform half hour
segments. Every 30 minutes, we grouped three of the least
likely artists to perform together, based on their preferred musical
styles. First 30 minutes was performed by Varian, Dave, and Bryan (with
Kyle altering Dave’s effects for about 15 minutes worth.) Second 30
minutes was performed by Widget, Ryan, and Leia. Third 30 minutes was
performed by stAllio!, Jack, and Glacial 23 (Kyle sat in for about 10
minutes of this one.) Fourth 30 minutes was performed by Everyman,
Varian, and Kyle. Jack saw an opening and jumped on the train about 5
minutes into this segment and did some fantastic guitar work until the
very end. Last half hour was musically performed by Varian and Bryan,
and spoken word was performed by every man, Glacial 23, Kyle, Dave,
Leia, Ryan, stAllio!, Widget, Recycled Crayon, hetmana, holly, Kristi,
and Mittelschmerz. This last section was completely disorienting and
dream-like. We prefer not to overuse this comparison, but the program
as a whole truly resembled a very intense acid trip