
set from march debut set from some new electronic project that john howitt from fuzzhead recruited me for…electric kool aid guy??? 

EKG@Bela Dubby 3-18-9 i think we rehearsed for like 5 minutes …its pretty much the first time we played together.

Ciao dvd

 we are playing again at bela dubby june 17th w/

Naomi Elizabeth
(Los Angeles)
Corephallism (Boston)
Joshua Hydeman (Portland)

OK so i just did some research on these other bands..the latter two are guys from that band TWO DEAD SLUTS ONE GOOD F*$^%**K and the girl appears to be some japanese harsh noise style chick on tour..heres one of her FACETUBE videos:

Naomi Elizabeth -VIDEO- It’s Not Easy When You’re Me

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