the slow brutal/more corpse/hats/PTB jamz
anyone down for the slowest brutality ever?????? anime style
chix iz chix
new sweet field of hats synth jam and relentless corpse jamz from last we[……]
anyone down for the slowest brutality ever?????? anime style
chix iz chix
new sweet field of hats synth jam and relentless corpse jamz from last we[……]
press the button from feb 8th 2004
featuring j kyle moyer, leia alligator and myself
check out the new E.E on wiseowl records . i just discovered it. its free. they have some other dudes too. check it out here
(they have the who[……]
did a board recording of all the bands from last night..turned out pretty sweet. finally got to record the tuscos so that was pretty cool…
old cassette clubs….these all are from 2004:
part 43-some old rockwood open mic show, in 3 parts cos the tape is all jammed up pretty cool though. p[……]
oh yeah the hot air balloon ride insert is here for anyoen who got a copy of the tape w/o an insert………….sorry johnny : P
here is the skin graft + leslie keffer sets from tonite @ the embassy-they are in one track cos they fit nice and easy that way…..tonite i called “k[……]