blastzzz from the pastzzz

some old jamzzzzzzz recently dug up and converted to some filez for you guyzzzzz(and girlzzz-tons of girlz view this page im sure)

2004 style club action: (oh i guess i uploaded this before…but this time it is a itunes file…apparently i had the original one on my home computer of something and when i grabbed some discs to transfer today, i didnt realize it. so , what im saying, is take yr pic on which file format you would prefer…they are encoded at the same bit rate)

i think 2004 was our most productive year recording wise….lets see, 85 was november of 2005 and 22 was september of 03… thats like 60 jamz in two years…now weve only done ten or so in the last two years……….weird …hey but its quality not quanity, right?????? :)  haha i used a smiley face in my message LOL BFF.  isnt there a “rolling on the ground laughing abbreviation or something, i dont know.  i guess im not that dorky.  i know im dorky but im not THAT dorky.  emoticon -thats the word i was looking for…

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